How will being part of Propeller Trust benefit you?
With a diverse representation of counties, schools and specialisms we can have a dominant voice in the national picture and influence funding and provision. This will enable you to lead, based on decisions you have contributed to as a national strategy – you will have a voice! With the diversity of schools and counties we will naturally expose ourselves to different ways of working and champion best practice.
We will work closely with the RSC and Local Authorities to develop growth, extend capacity in existing premises and open free schools to recognise the increasing demands in this provision. This will provide opportunities for your staff to grow and share CPD. It will also mean that if your school is identified as a growth area, you will be supported by a Trust who has completed two successful expansion projects with experienced site managers, as well as Nebosh Health and Safety qualified professionals on your team. Internal growth is as key to maintaining financial security as well as streamlined support teams. Most of all you will be part of a larger very supportive team, with one goal to focus on the young people in our education.
We are experienced in the demands of the EFSA and accounting requirements, which will make your transition to academy status much easier than going alone as we will take the administration burden away. We can help you review your back office systems, maximise integration where possible and develop capacity for growth. This will allow your staff to have new opportunities and learn new skills in many areas. As more schools join the Trust the cost of central functions proportionately reduce, which under the current commercial climate remains key. The bigger the Trust the more shared resources can be developed, which allows you to keep your overheads and back office costs low. Keeping maximum resources with children not in paperwork.
We do hold sponsor status to help schools move forward who are in special measures or requires improvement status, this is a supportive process with a pace and plan tailored for your school. Our Headteachers regularly take part in peer to peer reviews to ensure we are not complacent and allows you to feel valued in the Trust.
Our Headteachers have created a highly valuable outreach programme, supporting children in several maintained schools locally to maximise young people’s educational experience where possible. This recognises our ability to support national and local issues for special schools and reflect the forward thinking approach to full community integration and support for education of children with additional needs. This is an area you can replicate to grow income and again provide a connected approach for SEN students in mainstream schools, whilst extending your provision and support in the local community.
As a Trust we have significant involvement with the DfE to help schools nationally with commercial challenges and our voice in the strategy allows us to always be at the forefront of initiatives.
The most important work we do, is to help provide opportunities for collaboration. Each school has its very own unique identity yet comes together to work on exciting programmes such as the Duke of Edinburgh awards for our students to raise the importance of resilience, growth, team working and overall mental health. The Headteachers hold their provisions to account with external verification, ensuring teaching and learning is first class with outstanding resources, and you can access this peer support and drive and lead and suggest new projects.
The young people, their environment, their experience, their growth is at the heart of everything our Headteachers do. The Trusts’ role is to support in the delivery of those and bring new ideas across the schools. We are developing high level sponsors and business connections. Whilst these companies and charities make grants and donations they also bring opportunities for our children and connections for our business support beyond financial support and your young people and staff can access this.